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Equine Facilitated Learning Services


Facilitated by:

Whispering Equine


What is Equine Facilitated Learning (“EFL”)?


EFL is part of a rapidly growing industry, called Equine Facilitated Wellness, where trained professionals and horses partner to foster healing and to provide learning and therapeutic growth opportunities for people, that can often be mutually beneficial for the animals as well.


Individuals who can benefit from EFL work include, but are not limited to, those struggling with:

  • Depression      

  • Anxiety   

  • Eating disorders

  • Attachment disorders 

  • ADHD 

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder 

  • Sexual/physical/emotional abuse     

  • Autism

  • Physical disabilities 

  • Understanding emotional cues

  • Dealing with intense emotions (like grief or fear)


While each session is completely customizable and guided by the parameters of a client’s experience and needs, ultimately individuals spend time in the presence of or working directly with horses on the ground in a variety of different reflective, active and experiential activities.  Equine Facilitated Learning helps people to slow down and ground themselves in the present in order to gain self-awareness and insight, shift old patterns, transform limiting core beliefs and learn new ways of being and doing that are more congruent, authentic and empowered.


By participating in our attachment theory focused EFL programs, individual will experience some or all of the following:

  • Increase trust and self-confidence 

  • Improve self-awareness and focus 

  • Develop more effective communication skills 

  • Build strong and appropriate boundaries

  • Reduce loneliness, anxiety, and feelings of isolation 

  • Decrease impulsive and self-destructive behaviors

  • Foster creativity and self care

  • Develop healthy authentic relationship(s) free from judgment or criticism  


For more information on Equine Facilitated Learning, please click here





Private Program Sessions

There are 3 different private program offerings that an individual may experience personal growth, learning and healing opportunities through, while spending time with the horses.


Personal Growth and Healing 

Come connect with a horse to explore and develop a new version of yourself! The concept of creating a “whole person” where aspects of an individual’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being are addressed, is the goal when creating an individualized program plan in this type of program.


During these sessions, individuals will participate in a variety of relationship based horsemanship and experiential learning type activities with a horse. Healing, personal growth and awareness, improved self esteem and a sense of self empowerment are just a few of the outcomes that can be witnessed in these sessions.


Introduction to the Horse

Do you want to learn more than just how to ride a horse? Are you new to the world of horses or just looking for a new approach to reconnect with and care for a horse?, then our Introduction to Horses program may be for you!


A few of the aspects that could be covered in this type of program are: herd dynamic analysis, equine communication using body language/nonverbal communication, general horse care, horse identification, haltering, grooming, leading and liberty work. It is during these activities the individuals experience self-awareness, develop confidence and learn more about their personal capabilities while working with horses.


Horse Visit

Are you looking to find an opportunity to visit with horses without being a part of a structured program? Do you just need some "horse time" or "horse cuddles"...then contact us for a horse visit session!


 During these hour long sessions, individuals spend time outside in the paddocks and fields with the horses, visiting with them in their natural surroundings. There are no specifically planned activities during this session as it is truly just about "being" with the horses and experiencing the calm and relaxation feelings from being in their healing presence. A staff member is still present during this session. (These sessions can be done individually, as a couple or as a family.)


These sessions are ideal for people that may not have time to join a specific program but still want to spend time with horses. 


If you are interested in any of the private EFL experiences or have any further questions, please send us an email by clicking the contact button below.





Group Program Sessions

Along with offering private sessions, Whispering Equine has been offering its Equine Facilitated Learning program experiences to various surrounding school and youth groups, corporate groups, senior groups and even family groups.


Each program or experience is created around the needs and goals of the group members attending. Topics in the programs can include aspects such as self awareness, communication, boundaries, leadership, caring for self and others etc. Organizers of the group are sent an intake form to fill out to help with the planning process for their group's experience. There will be combination of "classroom time" and "horse time" in all of the group experiences, as it helps bridge the work we are doing with the horses with their own personal or professional lives.


For more information on group programming and experiences, please send us an email by clicking the contact button below.



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We offer a variety of EFL and EEP workshops that support an individual's personal growth, learning and healing needs. 


Please click the link below to see what the current offerings are here at the Foothills Wellness Collective. Or if you are looking for other unique workshop experiences, please click here to view other offering by Whispering Equine.



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